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1 oz Catnip (Nepeta cataria) Organic & Kosher USA


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Also known as Nepeta cataria, Catmint, Catnep, Catswort, Field Balm, Menta De Gato. Introduction Catnip is native to Southern Europe, but is widely naturalized all over Europe and North America, where some of the best quality in the world is grown in the state of Washington. It is a gray-green perennial that grows up to three feet high and looks incredibly similar to species of the mint family, which it is a part of. Catnip is, as its name suggests, the herb of choice for cats. A member of the mint, catnip attracts cats of all breeds and sizes, who often run up to the herb, paw it, roll in it, meow loudly, and then suddenly lose interest in the herb for hours or days until sensitivity to the herb “resets” itself.

For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Additional information

Weight2 oz
Dimensions9 × 12 × 1 in


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