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500+ Wormwood Seeds (Artemisia absinthium)


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500 Wormwood Seeds (Artemisia Absinthium)

Germination instructions: Sprinkle tiny seeds over soil and barely cover with dirt (I just scratch the surface with my finger) and keep soil moist with a spray bottle. You could also make a humidity dome with a plastic bag. In 3-14 days you should see tiny little wormwood sprouts. These grow well up north and they come back every year, I have plants still growing in CT that I planted years ago. If you have any questions please feel free to ask

—Cultivation—Wormwood likes a shady situation, and is easily propagated by division of roots in the autumn, by cuttings, or by seeds sown in the autumn soon after they are ripe. No further care is needed than to keep free from weeds. Plant about 2 feet apart each way.

1000 = .06g

Additional information

Weight1 oz
Dimensions9 × 12 × 1 in


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