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500 Anise Hyssop Licorice Mint (Agastache Foeniculum)


8 in stock

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Growing CulturesOutdoors, containers (sow direct in final pots, or in plugs and later transplant to final pots), and hydroponics.Plant HeightHyssop usually grows to a height of 24 to 36 inches (60 – 90cm).Plant SpacingSpace Hyssop plants between 6 and 12 inches (15 and 30 cm) apart.Preferred pH RangeHyssop will grow in a wide pH range between 5.0 (strongly acidic) and 8.0 (alkaline) with an ideal range between 6.5 and 7.0.PropagationHyssop can be propagated several different ways.   Root division in spring or fall; cuttings in late spring to early summer, and by seed in spring.  Seed Germination PeriodHyssop seeds will germinate in soil between approximately 14 and 31 days, but can germinate in as few as 10 to 14 days in dedicated propagation media such as Oasis Rootcubes, Rapid Rooters, or Grodan Stonewool.Number of Seeds per GramThere are between approximately 900 and 1,000 hyssop seeds per gram.Soil RequirementsHyssop prefers soils that are light and well drained.Alternative Growing MediaSoilless potting mixes (Pro-Mix, Sunshine Mix, etc.), perlite, vermiculite, rockwool, coco peat, Oasis Rootcubes.Sun & Lighting RequirementsHyssop grown outdoors prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade well.Hyssop will grow indoors satisfactorily under standard fluorescent lamps, and exceptionally well under high output T5 fluorescent grow lights, compact fluorescent, or high intensity discharge (metal halide or high pressure sodium) plant growing lights.Keep standard fluorescent lamps between 2 and 4 inches from the tops of the plants, high output and compact fluorescents approximately one foot above the plants, and HID lights between 2 and 4 feet above the plants, depending on wattage.Have an oscillating fan gently stir seedlings for at least 2 hours per day to stimulate a more compact, and sturdier plant habit.USDA HardinessZones 3 through 9.Water RequirementsWater regularly, being careful not to overwater. Allow soil to go completely dry between watering, then soak thoroughly. Tolerates dry conditions well.Potential Plant Pests and DiseasesHyssop is highly impervious to virtually all pests and diseases.Companion PlantingHyssop is a good companion plant for cabbage by attracting honeybees and butterflies while repeling or distracting cabbage moth larvae and cabbage butterflies. It is also said to stimulate the growth of grapes.Special NotesHyssop is known to attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.- See more at: http://herbgardening.com/growinghyssop.htm#sthash.sT7Q3xlz.dpuf

Additional information

Weight1 oz
Dimensions9 × 12 × 1 in

Country/Region of Manufacture



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