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1 gram Mexican Dream Herb (Calea Zacatechichi) Wildharvested (Mexico)


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Calea ternifolia (syn. Calea zacatechichi) is a species of flowering plant in the aster family, Asteraceae. It is native to Mexico and Central America Its English language common names include Thepelakano (leaves of god), bitter-grass, Mexican calea, and dream herb. It is used in traditional medicine and ritual in its native range.

In Mexico the plant is used as an herbal remedy for dysentry and fever. The Zoque Popoluca people call the plant tam huñi (“bitter gum”) and use it to treat diarrhea and asthma, and the Mixe people know it as poop taam ujts (“white bitter herb”) and use it for stomachache and fever. The Chontal people of Oaxaca reportedly use the plant, known locally as thle-pela-kano, during divination. Isolated reports describe rituals that involve smoking a plant believed to be this species, drinking it as a tea, and placing it under a pillow to induce divinatory dreams. Zacatechichi, the former species name, is a Nahuatl word meaning “bitter grass”.

Additional information

Weight2 oz
Dimensions9 × 12 × 1 in

Active Ingredients


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